Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Taking a moment

I refuse to get caught up in a debate over the effectivness of our judicial system. I prefer to continue to be grateful for it. There will be countless debates over the case. I would just like everyone to take deep breath, think about that sweet little baby girl, and give thanks to Him for taking her to her rightful place in heaven. With that said there is no doubt in my mind that her mother is sick, sick sick sick. If my sweet baby girl were missing for 31 seconds I would be a crazed woman calling every outlet I knew for help. How that woman went 31 days in lies I will never understand. She will be judged. She will be punished. For now I will pray for the peace of those who suffer and feel the pain of the loss of such a sweet shining star in this world. Let us be thankful for that sweet smile that blessed the world for her short time here. RIP sweet baby girl.

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