Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You Can't Prove Anything

What? We didn't touch anything....

Important Life Lessons

There are certain skills that must be mastered. One important lesson is not to waste food right? Avah has mastered a technique for this....
In I go!
I GOT this. 

Tiny Dancer

Our tiny dancers practiced a ballet 'routine' to music last week. I am such a sap. I got a little teary!

Today's Tune Round 2

Not a huge fan of the rest of the album just yet. But this song is beyond catchy. Flea is ah-maze-ing!

Today's Tune

Pandora dropped this one on me today. Reminds me of the countless times Devin and I sang it as kids.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Today's Tune

20 years? Really? 20 years? Wow..... all the way back to my combat boot days. Shout out to my BFF out there in Sunny California.