Monday, November 7, 2011

Today's Tune - throwback!

Set my iPod to shuffle today. This tune came on and I had to share! Remember this one?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Today's Tune

In true Michelle fashion I will switch gears in a heartbeat when it comes to what is playing on my iPod. This one is a favorite. I love the message.

Daddy's Little Hunter...

Avah wanted to help Daddy while he was sorting out all his 'gear' for hunting this season. The fact that my husband is a hunter still blows my mind. The way the man balances being rugged hunter and 'high maintenance' city guy amazes me. It's actually pretty darn cute. ;) Anyhow, the result of Avah helping Daddy was a fashion show of um....camo proportions. Sigh.....

Princess Avah Simone

Yes, I am one of THOSE people

Just in case you were wondering.......

Twilight Breaking Dawn

Today's Tune - Special Edition

One to watch. A friend of mine plays bass in this amazing ensemble of very talented artists. Check out my favorite track thus far.....

Check out details here:
